After a successful re-opening our attention now turns to keeping our school open, which means keeping the school Covid free. To try and ensure this our school is depending on our community to act responsibly and follow public health advice. Naturally many parents have concerns and have contacted the school wondering whether their child should attend if they have a runny nose, cold etc.. The HSE have issued advice to parents in this regard which you can access by clicking on the following links and
Where a child presents with one of the Covid symptoms (high temperature, new cough, breathlessness, loss of sense taste/smell) or informs staff that they are unwell, parents will be contacted to collect the child. In such situations a child should only return to school when they are symptom free.
With all of us being more cautious there will inevitably be higher levels of absence from school this year. The school understands this and while monitoring of attendance will continue, parents should not become concerned unless contacted by the school.
Hopefully by working together we can keep our school Covid free and therefore open for the full school year. We appreciate the efforts made by parents to date and ask for your continued support in the weeks and months ahead. If you have any query at any stage please do not hesitate to contact us.