Fancy Dress Optional
Junior Infants to 2nd Class only: 6pm-7.15pm
3rd-6th Class Only: 7.30pm-9.00pm
€2 per child . Organised by the Parents Council
The Heath N.S Halloween Disco takes place on Friday 27th October in The Heath Hall Fancy Dress Optional Junior Infants to 2nd Class only: 6pm-7.15pm 3rd-6th Class Only: 7.30pm-9.00pm €2 per child . Organised by the Parents Council Our annual fancy dress day takes place this Friday 27th October. Children are welcome to wear in a Halloween costume.
23rd October 2023
Election of Parents Representatives to Board of Management Dear Parent/Guardian, Ballot Papers for election of Parents to Board of Management are being sent home today. Please return by this Friday 27th. Nominations received after the closing date will not be considered. Each parent/guardian should complete a separate form. If you have any query regarding the procedure, please contact the school office. Thanking you for your co-operation. David O’Brien (Principal) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of Mothers &; Class in which they have a child/children Susie Barry (2nd Class) Emma Cullinan (1st & 3rd Class) Caroline Treacy (5th Class) Karen Walsh (1st & 4th Class) List of Fathers & Class in which they have a child/children Eoin Delaney (Senior Infants, 3rd , 5th & 6th Class) Brian Keane (Senior Infants &1st Class) Mark McManus (1st , 4th & 6th Class) ![]() Debating Team Jill Dennehy, John O' Hara, Conor Gibson, Jack Coughlan, Odhran Reddin and Bella Kavanagh Our Debating Team (Proposing) Vs Killenard (Opposing) on Friday 27th October at 10am Motion: Homework should be a thing of the past Fr Simon will say mass in the Heath School for 2nd-6th class pupils on Thursday 26th October @10am.
The HSE Nasal Flu Vaccination (LAIV – Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine) will be administered to Senior Infant Pupils next Wednesday 25th October from 10am in the school by the HSE.
Congratulations to our winners of the sweet jar competition
Congratulations to Áine and Seán O' Donoghue from 3rd class and Tadhg Kelly from 2nd class. Training takes place every Tuesday and Thursday in Heath GAA for 5th/6th class boys and girls from 1pm-2.30pm
Tuesday 12th September: Boys 1/2 Vs Rath in Heath GAA @ 1pm Thursday 14th September: Girls 1/2 Vs Rath in Heath GAA @1pm Friday 22nd September: The Rock Vs Boys 1/2 in Rock GAA @1pm. Pick up 12.15pm Friday 22nd September: Girls 1/2 Vs The Rock GAA in Heath GAA. @ 1pm Tuesday 26th September: Boys 1 Vs Emo in Heath GAA @1pm Pick up 12.30pm Tuesday 26th September: Killenard Vs Boys 2 in Killenard @1pm Pick up 12.30pm Tuesday 3rd October Clonaghadoo Vs Boys 1/2 in Kilcavan GAA @12.45pm. Pick up 11.50am Thursday 5th October: Girls 2 Vs Killeen in Heath GAA @1pm. Pick up 12.30pm Tuesday 10th October: Boys 1 Vs Ballyfin in Heath GAA@1pm. Pick up 12.30pm Tuesday 10th October Girls 1 Vs Ballyfin in Heath GAA @1pm. Pick up 12.30pm Thursday 12th October Emo Vs Girls 1 in Emo@1pm. Pick up 12.30pm Thursday 12th October Girls 2 Vs Timahoe in Heath [email protected]. Pick up 12.00am Parents Council AGM takes place on Tuesday10th October at 8.00pm in the Heath National School
AuthorAll news by Scoil an Fhraoich Mhóir news team. Categories |