The Parents Council will have a free draw at the end of each Class Christmas play where a hamper will be given out to one lucky child.
Huge thank you to all who supported the Tractor Run. A fantastic community event and raised over €3000.
The Parents Council have organised a coffee morning with the parents from Junior Infants. Pop in to the hall for a coffee after you drop your child to school for a cuppa and a chat on Monday 19th.
Thanks to all parents who supported our Car Wash. We raised over €500
First Holy Communion takes place this Saturday at 12pm in The Heath church. Traditionally parents other than 2nd class assist the Parents Council with refreshments and catering on the day. Baked Goods can be dropped into the Heath Hall from 7pm to 9pm on Friday or 10am onwards on Saturday. The Parents Council also require help in the Hall with serving Tea and Refreshments.
Parents Council are organising a Table Quiz on Friday 6th May at 9.30pm in Treacys. Tables of 4 €40. All support greatly appreciated. Thanks to everyone who supported our Table Quiz and our sponsors. We raised over €1500.00 ![]()
The Parents Council are organising a clothing collection from Monday 25th April to Tuesday 26th April. Any old clothes can be dropped in bags to the school during these dates.
The Parents Council Christmas raffle takes place this Friday 17th December. Tickets can be purchased through the school app. The Parents Council have also organised a Christmas annual as a litle gift for each child. The annuals will also be distributed this Friday
THE HEATH N.S. PARENTS COUNCIL AGM DECEMBER 2ND 2021 Zoom Agenda 1. Welcome address from the chairperson (Deirdre) 2. Treasurer’s report 2020/2021 (Kate) 3. Secretary’s report (Leona) 4. Chairperson’s report (Deirdre) 5. Principal’s address (David O’Brien) 6. Invitation to join parents' council 7. Any Other Business Please find attached Annual Financial Report 2020-21 ![]()
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