Charlene Delaney and Carmel Keane: Joint Secretary
Elaine Bigley: Treasurer
The children and their families are invited to the hall beside the church for refreshments after the Communion Mass.
We hope all the boys and girls enjoy their day on Saturday 20th Parents Council are asking parents from other classes for baked goods for the Communion celebration in the hall. These can be dropped between 7 and 8 on Friday 19th or 11am onwards Sat 20th in the Community Hall The Parents Council will hold a Clothing Collection from 8th-10th April. If have any clothes you no longer need please drop them into the school on these dates.
The Parents Council have been working with the school to brighten up and provide extra resources on the infant yard this year. The most recent addition has been the two new play houses. We would like to thank Niall Heffernan, one of our parents in the school, who not alone took on the task of making the houses but also sponsored them. Many thanks to Niall for his generosity.
The annual Parents Council Table Quiz takes place on Friday 1st March @ 9.30pm in Treacys. All support greatly appreciated. Some of our Parents Council members were very busy preparing 8 Christmas hampers for the school draw. Each child will receive a ticket at no charge. Winners of our Hampers are
Iga Zadorozny, Junior Infants Ramzi Kliscs Usman, Senior Infants Katie Curran, 1st Class Inshirah Kasif, 2nd Class Zoe Bowe, 3rd Class Tara O' Regan 4th Class Layla O Connor 5th Class Rory Fahy 6th Class Parents Council are held a successful Tractor Run on Sunday December 17th. Thanks to all who supported it. €3250 was raised
Again this year, we had a raffle on the day and we are very grateful to the brilliant companies who have been very kind to donate the below prizes and winners
The Heath N.S Halloween Disco takes place on Friday 27th October in The Heath Hall Fancy Dress Optional Junior Infants to 2nd Class only: 6pm-7.15pm 3rd-6th Class Only: 7.30pm-9.00pm €2 per child . Organised by the Parents Council The AGM of the Parents Council will take place on Tuesday 10th October at 8.00pm in the school hall
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